
Languages: Spanish, English, Catalan.

Jonatan Valenzuela


He studied at the University of Chile, from which he graduated in 2003, he graduated as a lawyer in 2005 and has a Doctor (Ph.D.) in Law, from the University of Girona, Spain. Previously, he completed the Diploma in Criminal Procedure Law from the University of Chile, 2006, and the Diploma in Advanced Studies from the University of Girona. Spain.


He has been a professor of Procedural Law at the University of Chile since 2014, and has taught in various postgraduate courses (diploma, master’s and doctorate), in procedural matters, in different universities as well as in public services, such as the Public Criminal Defender’s Office, the Public Ministry, the Commission for the Financial Market, among others.

Likewise, he has taught classes at the Judicial Academy, the Institute of Judicial Studies, the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance, the Internal Revenue Service and the Superintendence of the Environment and has been a speaker at various seminars and conferences on procedural law and evidentiary law both in Chile and abroad. He has been an expert in matters of criminal proceedings before various courts, highlighting the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

He is a member lawyer (abogado integrante) of the I. Court of Appeals of San Miguel (2022, 2023).



“The evidentiary architecture of damage” (dir.), Santiago, Tirant Lo Blanch.
“Las Costas”, 2022, Santiago, Tiran Lo Blanch.
“Facts, punishment and process”, 2017, Santiago, Rubicon.


“Towards a precautionary standard of proof in criminal matters: some notes for the case of preventive detention” 2018, in Criminal Policy, Vol.13 no.26